Cancellation Policy:
All services are provided on a month-to- month basis and are billed in the arrears. Services can be canceled at any time. But must be cancelled within (3)  three days in advance of any scheduled upcoming recurring payment due date. When cancelled according to the terms, the upcoming recurring payment will constitute a final payment due for services rendered.
120 Days Money Back Guarantee

You are entitled to a 100% refund on all monthly payments if:

  1. We do not remove any negatives.
  2. You have maintained service with us for 120 days (4 consecutive months) from the date that you retained our services.
  3. You have not used a credit-consulting agency or attempted to repair your own credit at least 1 year prior to signing up for our services.
  4. You have had no new collections or missed payments during the time frame we are assisting you.
  5. You have maintained credit monitoring services (without interruption) during the entire time frame we are assisting you.
  6. You agree to sent updated reports/responses from the three credit bureaus and creditors to us within 5 days of receipt.
Each person’s credit situation is unique. Results may vary, and GatorCreditPros, LLC  makes no guarantee  or promises of any particular results. Nor can we promise to help every person that we consult with.  Credit Repair takes time, so you will have to be patient as the results will show in time.  Estimated time frame is between 30 days to 12 months.  Depends on how much negative impact and the volume of work that needs to be done.  Remember there will be 3 different agencies to submit separate disputes to.  So, the process takes time.